Michael Jäschke-Lantelme
Michael Jäschke-Lantelme was born into philately. In the 1970s, as a “young badger”, he gained his first experience of professional philately from his parents’ mail-order stamp business “Helga Jäschke”. In 1982, he graduated from high school, and from 1985 to 1987 trained as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant and philatelic examiner. His mentor was none other than his father, Paul-Peter Jäschke, who had been expertising the Germania issues of the German Reich since the early 1980s.
In 1988, Michael Jäschke-Lantelme gained further experience as an intern at auction houses Heinrich Köhler in Wiesbaden and Dr. Heinrich Wittmann in Munich. Throughout the 1990s, he worked as a philatelist at a number of auctions in Munich,, describing many thousands of lots professionally and expertly. Michael Jäschke-Lantelme has been a member of the BPP since 1989. Like his father,his first area of expertise was the Germania stamps (German Reich Nos. 53 to 97). In 1991, he was trained by his father-in-law, Dr. Horst Walter Lantelme, as an expertizer for German colonial stamps, and has worked exclusively as a philatelic expertizer ever since. He has been a publicly appointed and sworn expert of the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce since 1995.
As an IHK expert, Michael Jäschke-Lantelme appraises and evaluates stamps and collections from all over the world.
His areas of expertise at the BPP are the German colonies and foreign post offices, including forerunners, the German Reich No. 1 to 97, the German Airmail 1912, and the old German areas of Hanover, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz and Prussia.
His philatelic publications – including “Die Handstempelaufdrucke von Tientsin”, “Dienstzweige und Postotarife der Deutschen Kolonien und Auslandspostämter”, “100 Jahre Germania” and “Die Postfälschungen des Deutschen Kaiserreichs” – are without exception among the standard works of philately. Michael Jäschke-Lantelme is a member of several philatelic study groups and specialist societies. He has also been awarded the Dr. Ey and Köhler Medal.
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