Expertizing and Expertizing areas

Past, present and future

Together, the members of Philatelic.Experts have more than a century of philatelic expertising experience. The entire breadth of experience is made available to our clients, as every item submitted to us for examination will be reviewed by all four members of the Philatelic.Experts team. Our focus is on the expertization of rare philatelic items of the world typically with a commercial value of 2,000 Euros and up. We will, however, not expertize items which are currently expertized by a member of the German Philatelic Experts Association (BPP). Furthermore, BPP expertizing fields currently handled by members of Philatelic.Experts will continue to be handled as individuals under the BPP format; details and a current list of BPP expertizers may be found at

As BPP members, we follow the organization’s guidelines, philatelic definitions, and quality standards, and make use of the latest technology available to us. Through the extensive resources available to us, we also highlight the provenance of your philatelic items whenever possible. With our strict quality standards, trend-setting technology, and world-class research tools, collectors benefit from an expertizing experience that is ahead of its time.

Expertizing areas

With a clear focus on philatelic classics up to around 1900, our areas of expertise cover almost the entire world. Do you have questions about a potential specific specimen? Then please contact us in advance (contact).

Notes on shipping

We expertize rare and high-value postage stamps and entires with a net commercial value of EUR 2,000 or more. Our minimum expertizing fee is 150 euros. You are welcome to send us your items by courier service. In the event that you would prefer to hand over your item to us in person, please contact us in advance (contact); we would be happy to arrange an appointment.